


A secure, comfortable retirement is every employee's dream.

HR is here to help make the transition into retirement a smooth, positive experience. Being prepared for retirement takes planning, and HR will help provide you with essential information to know. Below is information to help guide Lindenwood employees as they plan for their life after work.


Below is a list of action items you will need to complete once your retirement date has been set.

  1. Provide written notification to your supervisor allowing as much notice as possible.
  2. Arrange a meeting with 人力资源福利经理 to discuss your options.
  3. If you are moving, please update your address on 工作日.

Common Benefit Questions

  1. When do my benefits as Lindenwood employee stop?

    你的医疗, 牙科, 愿景, and life insurance cover年龄 stop at the end of the month in which you retire. For example, if your retirement day is March 15, your benefits will continue until March 31.

  2. Am I able to continue my benefits cover年龄?

    You will be able to continue your benefits by enrolling in 眼镜蛇. 眼镜蛇, 的 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (眼镜蛇), allows you and your covered dependents to temporarily continue cover年龄 for up to 18 months in the medical, 牙科 and 愿景 plans you are enrolled in at the time you retire. If you are enrolled in a medical plan, 眼镜蛇 includes prescription drug and mental health/substance abuse cover年龄. 眼镜蛇 benefits are 100% paid for by the employee. 的 人力资源福利经理 will be able to provide more details regarding enrollment and costs.

  3. Can I see what benefits are available before I retire?

    Information about all available benefits can be found in the "Useful Links" worklet on 工作日. 

  4. What happens to my Flexible Spending Account when I retire?

    Your contributions to your Flexible Spending Account end the last day you work. If you have funds remaining in your FSA account, you must use them before your last day of employment.  

  5. What happens to my unused vacation and sick days?

    Full-time employees and 12-month faculty members who have unused vacation days upon retirement will be paid for up to 20 of these unused days. Unused sick days do not hold a cash value and therefore are not paid out upon leaving the university. For specific information please contact 人力资源部工资经理.  

退休 Account Information

For those employees participating in the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 Defined Contribution Plan, various options are available to you under the plan pro愿景s. Once you reach the 年龄 59 ½ you are able to start taking distributions from your retirement account without incurring a penalty tax. Under ERISA laws, minimum distributions must start at 年龄 70 ½. Below is a brief summary of your options upon retirement:

选项 如何开始
  1. Leave funds in the plan.
  2. Rollover funds into an IRA or other eligible retirement plan
  3. 请求发行版
  1. 不需要任何动作.
  2. 联系美国教师退休基金会

  3. 联系美国教师退休基金会

Employees should consult with their accountant, 律师, or financial advisor before making any retirement plan decisions.  Visit TIAA-CREF website.